Tag Archives: education

I empathize with school shooters

For context about my own school experience, check out this post: Ways school made me depressed I once watched a TED Talk by the mother of one of the Columbine school shooters. It was pretty interesting, and I kept waiting for her to talk about school. It was a school shooting after all. But throughout the whole thing, school was very inconsequential in her talk. She mostly talked about mental illness, guns, how bad she felt about it, and how there are no easy answers and how nobody can possibly be sure why kids would shoot up a school. I was disappointed by ...

Ways school made me depressed

...as a neurodivergent non-binary lesbian I absolutely hated school with a fiery passion born in the depths of hell. Those were, by far, the worst years of my life. I am glad that I survived them, but there were a few moments where I almost didn't. If my circumstances had been slightly different, and I had access to guns... who knows what I might have done. So, here's a list of ways that school made me depressed and suicidal. My parents not giving a shit about my general well-being This is point #1 for a reason. If my parents had been even slightly emotionally ...