Tag Archives: neurodiversity

Night Owls are not broken and don’t need to be “fixed”

I'm a Night Owl. I like to stay up long after most people have gone to sleep. The night time feels so peaceful and quiet. I hate morning energy - so many stressed people rushing to get to work - I'd much rather sleep through all that chaos. People sometimes comment that I need to "fix" my sleeping pattern - in other words, sleep at a "normal" time, and get up in the morning. Fuck that. It feels wrong to me on some kind of primal level. My body just says No. I've tried to do it many times though. It is ...

Ways school made me depressed

...as a neurodivergent non-binary lesbian I absolutely hated school with a fiery passion born in the depths of hell. Those were, by far, the worst years of my life. I am glad that I survived them, but there were a few moments where I almost didn't. If my circumstances had been slightly different, and I had access to guns... who knows what I might have done. So, here's a list of ways that school made me depressed and suicidal. My parents not giving a shit about my general well-being This is point #1 for a reason. If my parents had been even slightly emotionally ...

An Introduction to Empathy, Sociopaths, Narcissists, and Autism

Empathy What is empathy, exactly? Empathy is the ability to recognize and experience the feelings of another person, to see things from their perspective and to understand what they're feeling as if you're feeling it yourself. Since most people don't talk about how they're feeling, the ability to empathize generally depends on interpreting non-verbal cues. If you have never felt what another person is feeling, it will not be possible to empathize with them about that particular feeling. It's also difficult to empathize with others when one is not aware of one's own feelings. Higher emotional sensitivity and awareness leads to higher levels of empathy. ...

The healthiest food that can be prepared using the least possible brainpower

You can skip to The Actual Recipes section down below if you don't care about the back story here. I've spent years trying to find the balance point between how to feed myself the healthiest possible food, while also using the least possible amount of effort and brainpower. This is what I've discovered so far. Most of this stuff is relatively cheap too. A lot of recipes out there on the internet have a focus on perfection - they're all about following it precisely to get a very specific result. That's not what this post is about. This is about getting a ...

How I learned to say NO

Googling "how to say no" brings up a lot of advice articles, with tips for how to say it politely, and a few really basic things about why it's hard to say no... but I found those somewhat lacking. For me it was never a matter of finding the right words, it was about really genuinely understanding why the fuck it's been so hard, and actually finding solutions for the underlying causes. Why is it so hard to say no? Saying no feels like rebellion Rebelling as a kid meant I'd be in trouble, and being in trouble was scary, therefore saying no ...


How journaling has helped me Journaling has helped me get to know myself better. To figure out how I feel about things, to access my feelings in general. I used to have a lot of brain fog, like I was trying to think of something but I couldn't find the words for it because it was just a thick fog in my mind. I had racing thoughts when trying to sleep. When I would lie down in bed and try to sleep, I'd lie awake for hours just thinking about stuff. Often the thoughts would race so fast they didn't even make ...