Tag Archives: tools

Free Isochronic Tones For Grounding (7.83Hz)

I've been playing around with creating isochronic tones for myself, and decided to share some. They should be playable in the playlist player, and you should also be able to do the "save link as" thingy to save the .ogg files on your computer/device so you can play them in whatever player you prefer. They are each 10 minutes long. I personally find that's more than long enough because my ears tend to get tired of them after a while. A decent audio player should be able to loop each individual file infinitely if you tell it to. On linux, Qmmp and ...


How journaling has helped me Journaling has helped me get to know myself better. To figure out how I feel about things, to access my feelings in general. I used to have a lot of brain fog, like I was trying to think of something but I couldn't find the words for it because it was just a thick fog in my mind. I had racing thoughts when trying to sleep. When I would lie down in bed and try to sleep, I'd lie awake for hours just thinking about stuff. Often the thoughts would race so fast they didn't even make ...